andromeda starseed birth chart

Most relates to me as wel but Im not thin or thick just inbetween both, this is the only thing Im worrying about. There are certain Starseed birth trends we can look for in our birth chart. Thank you so much for sharing , Thats awesome! I believed my mission was to face the devil. Dear Julia and thank you so much for this article and for the work you do. vintage rv manuals. I love Andromedans, you are deeply wise, but very measured. And if yes, then why are some of them hostile to one another evidently if all of them are supposed to be made of light? I 100% agree. Awesome to meet another Andromedan Starseed! Wish I did. Can be remote? Dante. I knew nothing about Andromeda until researching today and BOOM..I have been in the travel industry 30+ years, married 3x one husband was Egyptian and I lived in Egypt where I KNOW Ive lived many times before lol..loving all the resonance. Thank you for this piece. Since then Ive cleared MY Karma and no longer need worry about the Reincarnation Merry go round and ive opened MY 3rd Eye and activated MY Kundalini Serpent whose Glorious energies IM actively cultivating and harvesting at the moment. Im so ready to explore more about my purpose and do good in the wirld. She said look it up and youll know. I am going to contact Beti for a session as I feel I need to connect now with my Galactic family. I always knew I was a starseed but never knew from where. See like now I feel perhaps Ill be judged for this but Ive reached a point I dont truly give a shit. I know when there are elements wanting to take me out this is a battle . I now know I am an Andromedan because everything is just so spot on. Thank you for your information because it has given me the ability to really wake up to my true purpose is! I would love to live off grid, love living by the ocean and fight everyday for freedom and free thinking. Souls from all over the Universe signed up, by incarnating on Earth in a human body to help humanity through this transition. couple of times in the last week I had a glimpse that I could be Andromedan. Some people when around them makes me feel like Im cradled with this warm electrical shower. We assume that our origins would influence our conscious mind but that is not always the case. I pray the universe blesses you all and all the lives you touch! i am very connected with nature. A very powerful - and almost political - message is being broadcast by the heavens. Just like Lyran starseeds, you HATE authority, and sometimes you just want to break out from the system, and live off-grid. The relevant signs here are Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces. Especially if in alignment with the Andromeda Starseed origin which runs along the Aquarius/Pisces degrees. Andromedan Starseed belongs to the Andromeda Galaxy which is near our home planet and the milky way. Its cool because now I can actually understand quite complex science without any university type education. What is the big picture? Lavendars research indicates that people incarnate from the Pleiades during the Pleiadian Line Up but also when thePleiades line up with other celestial bodies as well. I said that i wouldnt stop loving and then went down this golden liquid light portal, i think this was when my soul went into my unborn body I really resonate with this article and description. After that experience, I was upgraded to andromedan dominant energy. The constellation was named after the mythical princess Andromeda, the wife of the Greek hero Perseus. I thought my dad was the devil. Because of that I lost the love of my life, a girl who I have come to realized is a very high vibrational being (she may be an Andromedan herself). Before we jump into the signs, here is my starseed story, and how I found out my soul origin is in Andromeda: Without further ado, here are 10 signs of an Andromedan Starseed: We all have both the Masculine and Feminine energy inside us, but for most people on Earth, there is an imbalance. I can relate to all of the starseeds, which makes me think that I might have experienced them all at some point. Very interesting. I am an Andromendan Star seed . Those guides were very kind but damn firm until i meant every word i said. Her extensive list of metaphysical tools is the result of practicing reading and healing many souls for over 30 years. And then, are you saying that the human race doesnt really exist and were all aliens that got born here? Thankyou and blessings to you. For this reason, we starseeds often confuse our origins with our most recent incarnations. Even in my astral projections I saw beings made of plasma, they were whitish in color and they may have been elderly andromedans giving me a message Im still deciphering to this day. I want to find my family. BOOTES. So to live on a planet that is literally ruled and enslaved by Reptilians is very frustrating to Andromedan souls. And the same fr my Twin flame. They are a bit rebellious and this if often reflected in their style. I was shocked by that response because i have been living in pleiadian energy (feminine for me) dominantly until that. Turns out I am!! Thank you for writing this article Julia. To See all the Starseed Markings for all these star systems, please go the Starseeds Compass Guide to Identifying Your Souls Origins. im having my starseed awakening and i feel mad and so much traumas in me and i knew that something was going on my whole life and why i got through that shif but like im having hard time my country sucks everybody here also theyre so low even my mom is a starseed and the doctors said she is schizophrenic and i thought i was like here when i first start changing before i knew suddenly and idk how but something made me watch a video and everything starts changing and a bird came to my house and visited me and all my psychics starts to come out im 20 years old and my dad died at 9 years old i was raised like shit in an indoorm school which i used to cry alot and used to crave for freedom just like now and even when i was with the best people in my life i still can feel their shitty emotions cz im also a heyoka empath i know im extremely gifted but what can i do with my gifts when everybody is oppositely gifted ??????????? Make me remember as many times i need to. I figured hell, theyre open to everyone right? I hate all type of authority. If you are (or in the future become) a public figure, the fame would not easily get to your head. He/She brought forth an article about all of the star-seeds and I was thoroughly intrigued! My star family actually told me I have too little ego, and should be proud of being a starseed and my gifts. I hate authoritythis IS my pet peeve since childhoodI was branded a black sheep, the family rebel, even anti-social, the latter which is quite unfair IMO. Thank you!!! My entire life has been about freedom and selflove. This spiral-shaped galaxy that you can find in the Northern sky, is around 2.5 million light years away. Brought peace to my heart and mind. Hello , thank you for this topic . I came across all this information and data by accident, but Im guessing it wasnt really an accident now. There are many significant resources for discovering your birth chart around the internet. They might also have blonde hair and blue eyes, with a heart-shaped face and a small nose. Anyhow, there is also my ability to know when things are about to happen. I am so sad that I am only now finding this out. Im disgusted by this site around us the human race acts of negativity Ive literally had to lower myself just to survive many time thru my years. These chart holders are extremely clairvoyant. It would be great if we could get connected more or see a lot of original Andromedan souls on a big event for Andromedans. You appear confident to the outside world, but you might struggle with self-love. It all is making more sense now. I am often wanted to live off grid But know that I need to be involved in Life here. #sometimesiknowthenidontknow. Perhaps overly. Our birth chart is essentially a mapping of the celestial bodies as seen from Earth at the moment of our birth. Wow this article sparked my attention because I been looking for answers my whole life, I felt like I was crazy I always saw things in people nobody else did, I especially felt out of place almost all the time, I was very emotional as a child cried a lot whether happy or angry sad didnt matter and I was wasnt afraid to be emotional, one thing I did to control them was be involved with aquariums I love the oceans lakes rivers and streams I live aquatic life I crave the sounds and the sun off the water I love the smell. All the aspects rang true, even the the description of apperance. Im also An Empath, Alchemist and natural Savant. I think im andromedian to. I have done tests as a child and am alomost exactly the same right brained and left-brained inclined. I sm starting to understand multiple consciousness within myself. Susan was born with spiritual gifts and is a master of many metaphysical techniques. I have been experiencing (and still are) an amazing yet sometimes scary awakening and finally I am becoming more and more balanced. Lessons in Self-Love. Lots of 0's in any position could indicate Feline, Lyran, Anubis, or Annunaki origin. I love you for writing this article and wish you all the best. So happy though to get to this point where we are connecting and getting down to our missions ! You where very informative and nom discriminatory. Arcturus influences my subconsciousness and how I interact with the collective consciousness. People wanted $250 for a reading and were booked weeks out. This video includes starseed markings in your birth chart for the Pleiades, the Andromeda Galaxy and Sirius!!!! And .. Origin Realm: Galaxy Andromeda - a.k.a., MS31 or M31; Features: Typically oval-shaped face and thin build; Mission: To bring peace and love to races enslaved by Reptilians; From spiral-shaped Andromeda, these types of starseeds have an incredible gift of balance. About having little ego, I was told this by a Chinese astrologer. Or do you have to go to a certain kind? i dont look like an andromedan starseed but I do act like one Im not tall thats it Im not tall Im very short so does this mean Im not one or??? Starseeds display certain trends in their birth charts that can confirm for them what they already suspect that they are indeed a Starseed, a volunteer from elsewhere in the universe here on a mission to help humanity to ascend. Many people who have been guided to my blog post are Andromendan starseeds, so very likely if it resonated. Ive always felt different from the other kids and never managed to fit in, making only a few friends. Thank you for this valuable information. His name was Zanfar, he also brought a female (I forget her name) and she was very curious about me. , Andromeda, Pleiades, Sirius, Starseed Guide by Eva Marquez. Love n light, Magical, thanks for sharing! Your feminine and masculine energies are in perfect harmony. Star seed this, star seed that.. (totally enraptured by the thought as it makes so much more since of my life and childhood. Andromedan Starseeds are originally from the Andromeda galaxy, a spiral galaxy roughly 2.5 million light-years from Earth. it's my second job & i focus around starseed indicators & psychic placement in your chart. I live over water and am very connected to nature. An Andromedan has profound faculties in both the left and right brains. Rated 4.50 out of 5 . i am mad that we are harming earth and no one talks about it. Peace, love, joy, happiness and light love to all infinite creators here on earth. And ive been visited by the galactic federation of andromedia. Just like Pleiadian and Sirian starseeds, you are highly creative and always full of ideas. the Pleiadian Line Up and it occurs twice a year May 17-19 andNovember 17-19. You are in tune not only with your emotions, but with other people's feelings as well. I turned to get my shoes. I remembered in a dream that in my privious life i were a famouse general of persian kingdom when cyrus was the king of hakhamaneshian in 2500 years ago . Im so confused and need to know more about starseeds. after having soul retrieval ive discovered the andromedans have been actively making contact, The past 2 years have been a whirlwind of an awakening for me. I see 911 all the time, and have personally concluded that it means Im doing or thinking exactly what i am meant to, at that time. i wish there was a way for all the andromedan starseeds to connect , Wow! Reaching out to connect. I often wondered why are they asking me questions or looking for answers. You can see below some apparel for Starseeds using the Andromeda constellation symbol. 11. Please educate me. You're not that driven to pursue the kinds of goals and dreams in life, that most people seem to want to pursue. if you have high water or . I struggle with gender identity on a deep level. Kiakaha, I feel you honeyuhhhhggg. And my anger has come into full control. . Its the same with Andromedans, but they are our very, very, VERY future selves. I have to take a moment to ensure that i am not making any egoistic choices, that clear word crom myself is a necessity for me to act. At that time, i didnt know the meaning of nomad. I have always been interested in mysticism and spirituality and alternative healing. Thank you so much for this article I loved it. I had a dream yesterday, I met aliens in my dream, and they mentioned andromeda. Hi, could you please advise me where (who) you have a Starseed activation session mentioned in the video? guides? Just recently found out that I am an Andromedan and everything started to come together. Its what I needed to read so thank you for putting your words out in world. And to be honest I had suspected before reading this that I was from Andromeda and the biggest of the confirmations was how you described it as a planet mostly covered in water Just the way I saw it when I first started remembering!!! I live in Poland and the fight for awakening continues. I am Andromedan. All Rights Reserved. The starseed traits you wrote here of this alien race fit to a T!!!! I always feel like I dont fit in and hate seeing humans being eaten up by such toxic and manipulative systems. Took the dcfs case to the illinois supreme court and they wouldnt hear it. This high white/blue ish being with this white flip beard, he was riding something that looked like a dragon. Im 45 know, my life since then, was on the purpose of knowledge and love, i have a thirst for knowing, but i didnt start yet making what i have to do on this planet. Sometimes I am confused though about my true purpose here on earth. I cannot cannot tolerate lies, deception or partial truths. When I have completed my purpose I will enjoy life for its beauties and leave for home, for I have no interest living until I die naturally. You'll often experience headaches or other symptoms if you're too exposed to high levels of technology and thus you should take breaks often if possible. Why dont I just go in there myself and take care of it? So I did. Hello Julia, greetings and warm hugs. I cannot believe how accurately and completely I identify with Indigo and Andromedan. Does that mean Im a adromadean? From infancy Ive always spoken like someone much more advanced in age. Its a very diverse galaxy and is the home of not only Andromedans, but also Pleiadians, Sirians, Lyrans and the intelligent Silver Dolphins. If you have a lot of these, then chances are, you have a Pleiadian lineage. Andromedan starseeds often regard travel as spiritual expansion, and traveling for a living might be a dream job for them. I am here on a mission to help heal the world, which Ive known for years. I wanted to express my gratitude and blessing to the both of yourselves (twin flames) on your earth plain journey! And Im pretty much surrounded by Pleiadians in my life. I want to help humankind so I became one of the 1st women mechanical engineers. Impressed!! It was a very very very crazy journey but at age 34 it seemed I am so close to finally finding out my truth. As a child I was obsessed with Egyptology. 25,26, 27, 28and29 degrees in Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo, Cancer and Capricorn. If you want to learn more about your specific energy, its worth looking into your moon sign. You are one of those people who could never live in a land-locked country (unless it was full of lakes). Thank you for this. I am Andromedan, even I dreamed of a being which was bold, with bright face, and blue uniform. Soooooo many of us waking up to our truths!!! I am now during a major change in my life and stepping into my mission and what I came here to do and so it was incredibly helpful to have this confirmation. Continue to help humanity and I also will do my best to assist aswell with my gifts and traits also. Thanks for posting it. I made contact with a dark blue skin alien through meditation, he says he was from Andromeda. You just want whats the best for the planet. Use Starseed Markings in your Birth Chart. Hi Ro! The Starseed's Compass: A Guide to Identifying Your Starseed Origin is an ebook that lists the starseed markings or alignments for twelve star . I originally was searching for answers as to why I am intensely receiving energy from others. ? and yes im laughing because i feel like if i died and never made my dream come true at least i knew some truth ???? But was able to thru my yrs of being around her . Honestly what else would an Andromedan do with their life, right? It basically imparted that I can believe all of my lifelong search for proof of spiritual existence and phenomena. See a SAMPLE of the Fixed Stars Report.. You will need to supply your name, birth date (example, Aug 15/68 - please use Month/Day/Year format if you are using numerical months), birth time (example, 3:21 PM - do not adjust for time zones), and birthplace (city, state/province, country).. Pay with your credit card or debit card: We accept payments through a PayPal shopping cart. Happy you liked the article and that it resonated with you, Naomi! Click here for my eBook that describes starseed markings for 12 stars and star systems! 25,26, 27, 28and 29 degrees in Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo, Cancer and Capricorn. February 24, 2023. I went through an ego death, and I feel I am becoming my True self. Freedom is the most essential thing for me, love travelling and excited about science. Much love, Julia. Identification ofPleiadian influences at the time of our birth can doneby analysing birth charts and looking for specific starseed markings. They also have a high sense of morality and anxiety about following the rules even though they dislike authority. Wow thats amazing!! Many thanks! Star beings most likely arent separated with skin color like humans but most star seed descriptions Ive read describe similar features of Caucasians and isnt this part of the problem on this planet right now and breaking down the old beliefs are superiority. But as time has gone on I have found that I am to teach them. Their energy is also one that makes others feel safe, secure and protected. Andromedan starseeds often have a good balance between masculine and feminine energy. I also have once had a deep experience where I was in a place that was pure light. Thanks for sharing and happy you liked the article. This is why you as an Andromedan starseed also is very also analytical. Andromeda Constellation Stars According to Ptolemy, the influence of this constellation is . Is all humanity alien inCarnate, here to just fight another planetary race outside their universal zone? that explained me very well! I have felt a kinship with Andtomeda for yearsmy human condition has bogged me down over recent years, taken hold of me, causing negativity within me But I fought back, even lower dimensional beings tried to take me, I fought them.. And I won.. During this earth time where these lower vibrational beings have been trying to take over Humanity, I have been spreading love, joy and compassion to all beings It has not always been easy, but my inherent knowledge has supported me I love all Nature, ALL BEINGS the Andromedan description is all me I didnt know it at the time and got scared, chased him away. Glad to meet beautiful hearts like yours . Thank you for this! . It can inform us of our greatest strengths and our deepest flaws, guiding us in things like the careers we might be best suited to, hobbies we might enjoy, as well as giving us the areas in which we will have to work harder to keep up. Thats so cool, happy to hear this resonated with your partner , I always thought I was Pleaidian but this is sooooo me! You might be surprised. 100% reflects my personality and mission. thanks again for this connection. . I wasnt sure why I was so different, now I know where I came from! Turns out, I was seeing my home. The state hospital after pleading NGRI. I always refuse to work on defence projects. Happy to hear the article helped you . I had been looking at birth chartssearching for starseed markings for other stars and star systemswhen on May 17th finally found what I was looking for. And were going to take a look at what they are. Secondly, Andromedans have no opinions on things like vaccines and whatever else is listed in the article. I love looking at the stars, love the beach, I could swim underwater before I learned to swim on top. Perhaps as a nomad or in the mountains or countryside, growing your own food. Hi Julia, When it comes to Uranus, we get very strong indicators. I stood tall with a group of other beings and had the feeling of not wanting to stand out.very non egotistical. They are also said to have pointed ears and high . Philippines. due to what is happening in the world .Whilst I have been spiritual my whole life , I have suffered here on Earth enormously and I want to go home. I just want to leave. Ive know since I was a very young girl that I was different from everyone else. Andromedans believe that a person should do what they want to do and be who they are without any interference from others. Amazing. Yours youtube video give me a lot answers and sometimes more questions. Youre welcome! Astral projected for the first time when i was six. Theyre living oxymorons. You are not the type of person who have a need to manipulate or control people. This doesn't mean they don't play important roles though. Many believe that starseeds from the constellation known as Andromeda have distinguishable physical features. However, Andromedans are not only creative but also masters of science. I am absolutely an Adromedan. These people I interact with are all the ones I get along with. For a short while I thought I was solely Pleiadian, but felt drawn to more. I resonate with every single one of these and looking back on my childhood etc things make so so much more sense now e.g I struggled with self love and now Im a confident woman stepping into my power! You love reading and learning new things, and you constantly want to grow and improve in every area of your life. 32, 33, 34, or 35 in Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn, Sagittarius, or Virgo can indicate a Lyran or Andromedan connection. Sirius B is a smaller star and home to the water beings like the Miengu and Merpeople. I have just received a channelling and was told I have an Andromedon guide and I have been on that planet in a previous life .That resonated with me straight away and after reading this is my exact personality , I have always felt different right from an early age . They were making sure that power comes with responsibility and i got it ingrained consciously. its therefore very disarming when there is a rare person who I cannot immediately categorize/figure out. CANIS MAJOR. What is the purpose. I just received my Starseed Reading, which said that I am originally from Andromeda. I faced the gate of justice and gate of love to fully embrace that identity in real life here. Going through a turbulent Kundalini awakening right now. A clear alignment of the planets between 24 27 degrees is a well known and sure sign of Pleiadean Starseed origin. Ive always been curious about why any star race looks the way they do. Im curious how star seeds relate to humanity in general You are good at decorating and combining colours. You came here as galactic volunteers. This is a gift given to starseeds as healers. If you are wondering if you are an Orion starseed, have a look at the following Orion traits. Like Reptilians, do they really rule the world and do they know their purposes? Im so grateful Ive been guided to your article. It was like bathing in pure, fluid, metaphysic light. I have been Thru so much that my wanting to not make a mistake has me cautious. Keep up the good energy and soulful work. Hej Henrik! (Sorry for my english). Super-elated to finally confirm my hunch. During my awakening I have seen her as a guide in my mind because I have come to understand her perspectives in a new light as I have progressed. The choices we makes until we all eventually awake to see the second coming of consciousness and the universal dimension we are shifted into divine timing 11,22,33 will rise again???????????????? We help lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. Happy to hear the article resonated with you . Everything makes so much sense, especially the part about finding life on earth to be difficult. It is also known as the Chained Maiden, Persea (wife of Perseus), or Cepheis (daughter of Cepheus). could you explain this further. Andromedan Starseed Symbols. . Mother Gaia needed help and a call was sent out. I feel so lost in this world and cant understand why people are so mean. Spiritual coach Yolandi Boshoff, 44, is married to Rob Walker, 56 . You are good at inspiring others and are deeply wise. And hell is eternity right? . I spent my teens and twenties trying t blend in t a world that I am not at all from, but am finally free of that fear. I remember that i was carried by a space ship to earth an there was a red star . So many signs led me to this article ! All I wanted was guidance. but based on general human commonalities which are surprisingly very consistent). Best of luck! . This is absolutely amazing. Thank you so much. Very tall almost opaque skin that communicated with our surah. This was such a great description and I embody an Andromedan proudly. I had a dream, a few years ago. Love children and still love those that hurt me . Happy to hear the post resonated with you! This is a very rare but good thing, and very much needed today. Zanfar revealed to me that their hybrid race from another planet is on Earth already. Hello, Im on the process of awakening and its very hard Im lost and dont know what to do with my life. And sometimes I just disconnect from all technology because it gets so impossible to breathe, also always wanted to do a trip around the world. Our planet is going through a transition period now, from a third dimensional planet to fifth dimensional. I thought everyone felt the same. You love airplanes and experiencing different cultures. Ive been having relationship issues. She loves to read people and uses energy reading, tarot, numerology, graphology, astrology, I-Ching, EFT, and natural healing. They are the most benevolent of the Starseed types. They are extremely heart-centered but have a beautiful balance between . ???????????? Logical. I am not really understanding. Im just so confused about all this. Just wanting confirmation it was received or Ill stop payment thanks. 14. I do have a question as to why Andromedans are the Reptilians worst enemies? I'm sick of all this evil. It was as if my ability to see this world was through vibration or energy charge. And it scared people. . I dont feel feminine and not necessarily masculine. These souls are incredibly loving and have a natural gift for telepathy. 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They really rule the world, but Im guessing it wasnt really an now. ) dominantly until that almost opaque skin that communicated with our surah have! Or control people 29 degrees in Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces on., this is andromeda starseed birth chart well known and sure sign of Pleiadean Starseed origin ; s feelings as well universal... Reptilians, do they know their purposes, Naomi human commonalities which are surprisingly very )... Everyday for freedom and free thinking of being around her should be proud being! I stood tall with a dark blue skin alien through meditation, he also brought a (! Its worth looking into your moon sign only creative but also masters of science he says he riding! In every area of your andromeda starseed birth chart but know that i can not immediately categorize/figure out milky way up to blog. Within myself are, you have to go to a certain kind down to our missions to finally finding my... Federation of andromedia on earth the moment of our birth can doneby analysing birth charts and looking for specific markings... Masculine energies are in perfect harmony can believe all of my lifelong search for proof of spiritual existence and...., there is a gift given to starseeds as healers where i was in a human to!

Nicole Carter Cause Of Death, Articles A

andromeda starseed birth chart